I know it’s probably a little strange getting a package from a complete stranger, but when I read your “For Sale” post on your blog (see attached copy) I just wanted to do something for you. You really captured a crazy day in a mother’s daily life. I included a few items in your package to help you gear up in case you have another disastrous day like this one. Of course kids are so creative and they will only come-up with new and improved ways to create chaos. But just in case, I have included: Granite counter top cleaner complete with a scrapper to help remove glue and glitter topped with toilet paper. I also sent a roll of toilet paper to replace the one your girls probably used up. You also are now armed with nail polish remover, along with a Clorox pen to help with the stains on the dirty laundry (sorry, if it’s not white I have no idea what removes nail polish from clothes). I also created a little craft box so your girls will have a box of approved supplies if they choose to be crafty while you are away. I included a little bottle of Sweet Pea lotion to help remind you to stay sweet even when the kids turn up the heat. Actually, I wanted it to really remind you to take some time out for yourself now and then. There is also a CD of one of my hard mommy day play lists that I listen to often to keep me focused on what being a mom is all about and to not beat the kids. Finally, I included the book “I Am A Mother” by Jane Clayson Johnson. You will see instructions for this book on the front cover. Doing this, “I Am A Mother traveling book” has been on my mind for sometime now and you are one of the first people who came to my mind when I was deciding who to send it to.
The reason I have chosen to send this book to you is because of the great ability you have of expressing how life is being a mother. You have such a way of connecting with others. I came across your blog one day and have read every post since. I have also noticed numerous friends and family members from my blog visiting yours as frequently as I do. When you read your blog you can instantly feel the love you have for your family and the way you adore and cherish them. You are incredibly talented with the camera and people are drawn to your photos, they look like pictures from pages in a fairytale book. You also are very gifted with your ability to write and capture all your experiences brilliantly. You can sense your love of life with your beautiful family and your gratitude that you have of being a mother. I have chosen to start this I Am a Mother traveling book with you because you have impacted me with your love of being a Mother and your ability to express it along with all the above reasons. I’m grateful for the opportunity I feel I have had to have a small connection with someone that I never would have met. I hope you enjoy your little package I had a fun time putting it all together.
Here's some pictures of the gift I sent to Julie along with her post- "For Sale"
Going cheap. One day only. Because I know tomorrow will be different. But, TODAY stunk.After picking up Eleanore from school, Henry fell asleep in his carseat. Making the most of his short nap I decided to clean out the car. It was warm out, and I needed cold air, so I left the engine running. After a few minutes I noticed I couldn't hear the girls. So I called their names"Eleanore?! Olivia? Where are you?"Nothing. Dead quiet. Not even a giggle. So I walk around the car to see if they are by the river. Still no sign. I turn back and then, under the car, I spot a pair of 18 inch legs sticking out from behind a wheel. It's Livvie. The bells go off and I realize she didn't find this hiding place by herself. I quickly walk over, get down on my knees and find Eleanore flat on her back, right under the engine, HIDING. The hair on my arms stood straight up. I imagined in that half second what could have happened if I had decided to move the car, or worse if she did this under a neighbors car. After a very serious talk, explaining in very real terms what could have happened, we went inside. The house was a mess, so I started picking up. (Not sure why I bother since it doesn't stay clean for more than twenty minutes these days, but none the less, I was cleaning.) After a long week of all-nighters, due to a house full of sick kids, I am exhausted. I sit down to organize a box of crafts and somehow fall asleep. I haven't had a nap in YEARS, so imagine my shock when I jolted awake and saw the clock read 2:36. FOUR minutes till schools out! I jumped off the couch, packed the kids in the car, and raced to pick up Anna from school. By the time we get home Henry is ready for a nap. I sneak upstairs and no one follows. I am shocked! Even more shocking...Not even one little blond head peeks in to ask for something. I don't even hear fighting downstairs. I'm feeling really proud of my girls; Grateful that they gave me a few minutes of peace to nurse and put Henry down. And then it hits me. Somethings wrong.I skip stairs on my way down. What could be going on that has my noisy little girls quiet? And then I see it. Elmers glue. That's right, elmers glue. Anna, my artist, had covered the dining room table (and granite countertops) in thick, gooey puddles of glue and glitter. Instead of using construction paper, which she couldn't find, she provided everyone with TOILET paper. Yes. TOILET PAPER. Not the paper I would have picked.I spent the next half hour scraping glued toilet paper off of everything. By then the front room was now back to it's original destruction and I sent everyone upstairs. Anna and Ellie ran up first to hide from Olivia. She found them, in my bed, under the covers. They were laughing, having fun, so I continued cleaning. Then I hear a muffled, freaked out scream. Olivia is laughing harder by the minute and I know something is wrong. This time I'm running UP the stairs a few steps at a time. When I get to the top, I see the form of a four year old wrapped in a blanket with Olivia doing a choke hold around her neck. I scream from the stairs to "let go, let go!" knowing Eleanore can't breathe. Olivia, seeing the frenzy she's caused, is not about to let go. Instead she puts her whole body into the choke hold, wrapping her legs around Ellie's covered waist. Eleanore's screams are now pure panic and I'm trying to rip off Olivia while she clings like a monkey. I finally peel her off and fling her to the side. When I uncover Ellie she's sweaty, bright pink, and her eyes are the size of saucers. Her hair was ratted so tightly that the top stood up a few inches. If I hadn't been so panicked I would have laughed. With all the commotion, Henry awakes. I go in the nursery to rock him and nurse. It's been a good peaceful half hour and suddenly I see Anna sneak into the bathroom across the hall. I notice she is getting into the nail polish and call for her to stop. That's when I notice she had already done it and was trying to take it off. Ding, ding, ding! The bells went off and once again I skipped down the stairs in record speed. "Eleanore!" I yelled. "Where are you?"I peeked my head into the bathroom and there she wasn't. But there was the bottle of blue nailpolish spilled all over the dirty laundry. Then I see her hiding behind the kitchen table, wearing her brand new halloween costume, with not only her nails painted blue, but also the rest of her hands and feet.And that's when I grabbed the camera. So, this sums it up. Kids for sale. Going cheap. One day only, because tomorrow has got to be better.